see also article about gerber omega on this page. 

To output from Composer 5.0, you will not be able to utilize the GSP Plot output all/output selected function.  This does not work in 5.0, but does work in 6.5.  You can still output from Composer 5.0 to the cutter, however, using file>print and the cutter driver.  The process for this is described in the attached 'Gerber Printing' document.


If you have a new installation of Composer 5.0, 6.0 or 6.5, or have not used it with one of our cutters, there is a patch that must be applied to the program.  To apply the patch:

Open Omega

Click on HELP>CHECK FOR UPDATES>, and let it update.

Once updated, close Omega

Unzip the attached zip file from

Once unzipped, run the extracted registry file UseSlowDrawKey.reg

You will get a notice that these types of file can be hazardous. Hit ok.